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Enhance Customer Experience by Leveraging IVR Self-Service in Your Salesforce Powered Call Center

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Call centers are on the front lines of customer interaction. The key to improving the overall customer experience is ensuring seamless experiences across interaction channels. A properly integrated voice self-service channel can improve the customer experience dramatically, especially as an adjunct to other channels such as assisted voice service, chat, and email.

BroadSoft has provided a graphical call flow builder within Salesforce so it is possible to create self-service IVR call flows. This will streamline the addition of voice self-service to BroadSoft CC-One Salesforce Edition. The IVR can capture caller intent, specific information about the caller and in certain cases, handle the callers’ needs all within the IVR system. CC-One Salesforce Edition’s call flow builder provides a standardized mechanism to query Salesforce for specific information about the customer. This allows the business to leverage data about customers held in Salesforce and use it for routing purposes and—in some cases—the call can be handled without the need for a human agent. In cases where an agent is required, the IVR call flow can be designed so that the data captured in the call flow is used to guide the routing of the call to the most appropriate agent.

The CC-One call center app for Salesforce includes a call flow builder provides the enterprise greater control over how customers are treated while providing customers a tailored and personalized experience based on their specific attributes and stage in their customer lifecycle. By being more responsive to customer needs, CC-One enables enterprises to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty and increase overall business performance. Feel free to contact BroadSoft today for a software demonstration and application trial. Click HERE to contact us.

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